
constructor(leftPadding: Int = 16, rightPadding: Int = 10, verticalPadding: Int = 4, verticalFirstPadding: Int = verticalPadding, verticalLastPadding: Int = verticalFirstPadding, hideScrollBar: Boolean = false, listNarrationKey: String = "fc.narrator.position.config")



Default 16; the horizontal space in pixels between the left edge of the list widget and the left edge of the entry rows


Default 10; the horizontal spacing in pixels between the right edge of the entry rows and the left edge of the scroll bar. The scroll bar typically takes up 6 pixels of width, hence the delta between this and leftPadding


Default 4; the vertical spacing in pixels between list entries.


Default whatever verticalPadding is; the vertical spacing in pixels between the top of the left widget and the top of the first entry row, when the list is fully scrolled to the top of the list.


Default whatever verticalFirstPadding is; the vertical spacing in pixels between the bottom of the last list entry and the bottom of the widget, then the list is fully scrolled down, if applicable. If the set of entries is shorter than the list widget height, this won't apply.


Default false; whether the scroll bar should be hidden if it's not needed (the entries height is shorter than the widget height).


Default "fc.narrator.position.config"; the translation key of the narration used when describing the position of the entry in the list. The default key translates to "Setting X of Y".